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Writing a Book

Writing a book feels a lot like reading a book. I don’t know if everyone has the same process (and probably not), but I keep getting surprised by the way the story flows, the character progression, etc., just like I would if I were reading a book.

Writing a book is the perfect way to live in a world that you, yourself, are allowed to create. There are no rules in that world and you’re free to be whoever you want to be and control the narrative however it fits you best. Where in life are you able to do such a thing?

I don’t have many high expectations for how such book would turn out, and it’s going at the slowest pace possible, but just the fact that from time to time I can sit down and transfer my feelings into a whole new story no one else has read, is pretty exciting.

Have you tried writing a book before? What’s your process like?

15 thoughts on “Writing a Book Leave a comment

  1. Yup, have written several — self-published a YA novel and a romance novel, and am currently working on two women’s contemporary fiction novels I hope to traditionally publish. And of course there’s always 2 or 3 other half-finished ideas floating around my brain and laptop. Process has been different on every single one. The YA novel took me 14 years to write (because I started it when I was 14 lol) and the romance novel only took 9 months. So. Just depends.

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  2. Funny, about 5 days ago I decided I was going to fully commit myself to writing a children’s book. It’s certainly going to take a long time with alllllll that I have going on in my head at this time, but I’ll be excited the day it gets done

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  3. I adore the creative process of building a world up and up and up… and then I reach a point where I looked around like, “wait, there isn’t a wiki for this world that I can just look up things I don’t know the answer to?” That’s usually the point where I have to take a step back and rest my brain. Novelty takes its toll.

    The other part I struggle with is writing enough narrative to get a feel for the characters without dragging out too much non-action. I suppose, though, if your characters are vibrant enough, even the narrative cool-down points should be just as engaging.

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  4. I’ve written and finished two unpublished YA novels. I had the idea of my first novel for over two years before finally writing the manuscript and then I finished my second novel in a month which I’m still impressed with myself for doing.

    The process for both was very long and frustrating but worth it in the end. I ended up putting both manuscripts on this website called at a chance of getting it published with McMillan. So far, I’ve gotten a lot of great feedback and comments but I was deathly terrified of putting my “babies” out there.

    Now, I’m in the process of revising both novels. I don’t know what the next step is for me if Swoonreads doesn’t work out but I’m just enjoying the journey for now.


  5. I haven’t tried it yet because I’m still exploring and trying to find out what I’m really concerned and mastered in (still an amateur). Publish a book is a good idea. I hope I can do that someday.

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  6. I published a memoir 5 years ago and it was a long painful process. I cried for the four years it took from first draft to publication. I really want to write fiction so I can make up characters and a crazy story line, but I keep finding my own life becoming the story, the bad guys in my life becoming the characters. It’s pretty crazy. No matter what-writing is awesome. Keep at it!

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  7. Currently writing a book myself, and I absolutely agree with what you are saying. Sure, at times I find myself staring at the laptop screen absentmindedly, and sure, sometimes the words that flow out are utter rubbish and I have to edit and edit and then eventually just delete the entire paragraph or chapter… but most of the time (touch wood) I feel that energy at my finger tips and continuous flow of words and ideas, and on the odd occasion, a new character just pops on up out of nowhere, with no pre-planning but all of a sudden, he’s a central part of the story! Best of luck in your writing endeavours fellow writing friend!


  8. I find when writing fiction – and novels in particular – that you reach a point in the story where you cease to be a writer and become a reader. I find that the impetus to write the story changes, and that I want to read about what happens to the characters – and therefore to do so I must finish writing it. Does that make sense? It’s a wonderful moment in your work when you switch from being a writer to being a reader.

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  9. I’m currently working on my debut novel, hoping to publish someday soon (and by that, I mean in up to a year or two!) I’d like to go with traditional publishing. My process is generally writing as frequently as possible, and then afterwards I’ll come back to edit. I know the plot for the frequent rewrites, plot changes and plot outlines, but there’s still room for change… I just hope I do the story justice! I think writing a novel is hard and not for everyone – but it’s also a passion. Something I couldn’t do if money was my motivation.


  10. The process of mine is so out of control. 😫 but(not trying to self advertise here lol) I’m currently writing on my blog my whole process. Breaking down everything I think about and anything I add to the book. It’s not much right now, but I hope to make it an ongoing series.

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