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To My Long-Lost Friend

You might’ve thought it was okay to leave, but it wasn’t for me. You left at a time when my life was falling apart, which hurt even more. The worst is not expecting that from someone you love, someone you thought would’ve been in your life forever.

I don’t resent you, I miss you.

You taught me things I’ll never forget. But you also shattered any trust I had in any of my friends, past and future, as I realised friendship, no matter how good, may not be forever.

I have grown to accept certain things we don’t have control of, and I can say I’m not in that bad place anymore. I learned how to take care of myself and not let the pain take control over my life.

Thank you for making my life better while you were in it, I won’t forget that.

With Love.

7 thoughts on “To My Long-Lost Friend Leave a comment

  1. Lovely, and heartfelt. I’ve come to realize there are many things in our lives (including relationships) that only last during a season our lives. That doesn’t mean that they weren’t meaningful while they lasted, maybe they needed to end so you could continue to grow.

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  2. You reminded me of my bestie from high school who committed suicide more than 23 years ago. I couldn’t think like you then, but time has heeled my feelings. Now I can understand what you say……….

    Liked by 1 person

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