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Finding a New Normal – 4 Positives from Staying at Home

The new normal for me doesn’t vary greatly from what my daily life was before. Today I want to focus on some of the positives that’s come out of being home all the time and not really being allowed to leave for anything.

  1. It’s made me feel closer to my friends. I’m someone who deals with quite a bit of social anxiety, so being able to reach out to everyone virtually and not having the pressure of meeting up socially and potentially cancelling those plans has made me much more comfortable on a day-to-day life in reaching out to friends.
  2. I’ve been focusing more on myself. I’m giving less of my time to others, meaning I have more time to focus on what I love doing, being productive, taking care of myself in any way I can. It’s been great having that amount of time.
  3. Learning new things. I don’t mean skills particularly, but when it comes to cooking I was always cooking the same thing, pretty much every week in big batches because I had no energy to focus on cooking or coming up with new ideas, and I kept going back to the same ingredients. Now, being home, I try to vary my diet more (as that’s the only thing going on at home), find new things to cook with the ingredients I have left, and learn new baking recipes. I’m loving this side of things.
  4. Focus on my hobbies. I’ve been very transparent about the fact that, with so much work and little time in my life I tend to not write near as much as I should. It’s very difficult for me to keep up with these hobbies when my mental energy feels drained. So that’s definitely something I’m loving from having more time for myself at home (even if I’m still working).

What are some of the positives you’ve found from staying at home all the time? And, if you’re a key worker, thank you so much!! ❤

7 thoughts on “Finding a New Normal – 4 Positives from Staying at Home Leave a comment

  1. Great post – it is really good to see that you have found things to be positive and motivated by in this time, which really is so important. I have found similar positives and have definitely focused on relationships, learning and personal growth/awareness. It has been a great time to pause, reflect and re-evaluate direction.

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  2. Great post! I’ve been spending more time on my hobbies as well (crocheting two jumpers) and also upskilling on Zoom! I did know how to use Zoom last year, but have definitely become more knowledgeable on it! I’ve also found it challenging to keep fit without my gym buddies, but have forced myself to do exercises every day. I’ve also felt that I had a lot more time, as until recently I wasn’t going out of the house as much as I used to do.


  3. Thank you for sharing your words and experience.

    I was lucky enough to get a job just before New Zealand went into lockdown. As a result I had to learn how to do my job via video and voice calls, and I loved it. We are now fortunate enough to be back in the office and I’m finding travel to and from work is taking time away from writing books and recording music. It’s about finding a balance and I’m not quite there yet.

    Like you I enjoyed meeting virtually with friends, and having fewer decisions about where to go. I also struggle with organising to meet or go somewhere and then if I don’t feel up to it, mustering the energy to say so. I know I’m not the only one but it’s always nice to hear it.

    As you say, looking after our own wellbeing is important. 🙂

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